Vote Everywhere Ambassadors Reflect on the 2016 National Training Institute
Olivia Anderson, Simpson College ’17
“The National Training Institute was an inspiring and educational experience. I’m excited to get back to campus and engage the Simpson College student population for the elections this November.”
Amir Bostros, Montclair State University ’18
“The National Training Institute was not only mere training sessions. It was rather a chance for students from 42 campuses and 19 states to connect and create a strong network that would act as a foundation for future expansion and positive change in society.”
Allen Coon, University of Mississippi ’18
“This year’s National Training Institute reminded me that in this struggle, our greatest weapon is furious compassion. We can challenge systems and create more equitable communities through compassion. Everything that we have achieved as a group, as VE Ambassadors, has been through our ability to harness our compassion to affect change.”
Victoria Grijalva Ocho, Arizona State University ’19
“Attending the National Training Institute was an incredibly empowering and inspirational experience for me. Not only was I able to obtain in-depth knowledge about voting barriers on different campuses across the country and about how each of these barriers can be broken down, but I also learned this from my very own peers. There’s nothing quite as inspirational than being able to collaborate and learn from people who are just as motivated, prepared, and determined as my fellow AGF Vote Everywhere Ambassadors are. The best part: knowing that there’s a full support system for us to help break down these barriers, all in the form of other ambassadors and the people who help run the program.”
Dana Sweeney, University of Alabama ’17
“The National Training Institute was a deeply moving and empowering experience. As a college student working on voter access issues in the Deep South, my advocacy has often felt like an uphill battle. Being able to spend time with Vote Everywhere Ambassadors from all around the country and coming to understand our collective impact through this program was so rejuvenating for me. It reminded me that for every time our team is hitting a roadblock back in Alabama, there are dozens of other Vote Everywhere Ambassadors who are winning their fights elsewhere. It taught me that each victory we have across the country is shared and contributes to a national movement that is transforming our civic culture and galvanizing youth political engagement.”