
5 Things You Can Do on Election Day in Addition to Voting

Election Day is the culmination of months of voter registration, education, and GOTV efforts. On the first Tuesday of November, registered voters walk, bike, or drive to their designated polling place to cast their ballots if they chose to vote in person on Election Day. But the excitement does not have to end with the vote. What most Americans don’t realize, is that there are plenty of other ways to stay civically engaged after you fulfill your civic duty at the ballot box.

Our Louisiana State University Vote Everywhere team helps us break down five things you can do on Election Day, in addition to voting, to help our democracy flourish. 

  1. Drive a friend to the polls

    Getting to the polls can be an incredible barrier for students. If you have a car, why not drive a friend to the poll on Election Day? Make sure you coordinate a few days before and doublecheck your polling location’s hours. A simple 5- to 10-minute drive means your friend’s voice will count this election. Your friend and our democracy will thank you for it

  2. Volunteer as a poll worker

    Poll workers ensure that voting is seamless and polling places run efficiently. As a poll worker, you have the chance to make a difference in the experience of all voters. This includes first-time voters, new voters in the district, and devoted community members who vote in every election, every year. Volunteering as a poll worker will also give you the opportunity to engage with your entire community. It’s a great way to serve on one of the most important days of the year.

  3. Remind a friend to vote

    Friend’s don’t let friends miss elections! You’ve probably heard your friend complain about the potholes in the street, how early the library closes, why there aren’t many job opportunities for young professionals or the stress of having to deal with improperly managed public transportation. Remind your friend the first step to fixing all of those problems is to hit the polls!

  4. Phone Bank

    Conversations decide elections. Communication allows people to find common values, share concerns, decide priorities, and demand action. Phone-banking will put you at the helm of those moments. If there is a candidate on the ballot who truly represents what you stand for, joining their phone banking efforts is a great way to help galvanize support for his or her campaign. Phone-banking on election day is the last chance you have to inspire others in support of a particular candidate.

  5. Host an Election watch party

    The results of the election are what we are all waiting for. Whether the night ends the way you’d like it or not, hosting an Election Watch Party is a great way to continue the spirit of civic engagement. Your vote makes a difference, regardless of the election’s outcome. However, keeping a pulse on what the future holds ensures all your friends remain committed to the process.

In closing, don’t just vote this Election Day. Vote, and assist your friends with voting, too. By staying civically engaged throughout Election Day, you can help others realize how important their voices are to our democracy. We need everyone to help build the country we all want to see. Civic engagement starts with you but it has to include others. This November 6th, bring your friends along with you.

About the Author

Kevin Hurtado is the Communications and Development Associate at The Andrew Goodman Foundation. He graduated from Ramapo College of New Jersey with a Bachelor’s in International Studies and a minor in Human Rights and Genocide. Previously, Kevin worked as an Executive Assistant and Office Manager at Newark Charter School Fund, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting educational equity in the city of Newark.